About the program
The James Martin Institute‘s Policy Challenge Grant program is a prestigious annual award to support applied public policy research for the public good.
The 2025 application round is open from 12 March – 2 May 2025.
With the aim of tackling the greatest public policy challenges facing New South Wales and wider Australia, grants will be awarded to outstanding academics undertaking applied policy research, or translating existing research for a policy audience.
Successful projects will generate new insights, foster engagement between academics, policymakers and other stakeholders, including local communities, and support improved policy outcomes.
The JMI Policy Challenge Grant program is unique: JMI will offer dedicated support to grant recipients to communicate their research outputs to a policy audience and maximise the impact of their research through targeted engagement with policymakers.
Key benefits
Who can apply?
We welcome applications from academics employed by the following JMI partners:
Program details
- Career stage: Academics at all career stages
- Type of research: Applied public policy research
- Disciplines: All
- Eligibility: Lead researcher must be employed by the University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, the University of Technology Sydney, the University of New South Wales, or the University of Wollongong
- Funding pool: $600,000
- Funding amount: Applicants can apply for $25,000-$100,000
- Type of funding: direct research costs only
- Duration: Projects must be delivered within two years
For more information, download the Applicant Guidelines.
The JMI Policy Challenge Grant focuses on the policy challenges facing the NSW Government. Each year we identify key themes that are a particular priority for government at the time. In 2025, grants will be awarded for projects focusing on major policy challenges facing NSW under the following themes, where the proposed research has strong potential to generate public value for the benefit of the people of NSW:
1. Accelerating the energy transition
We are interested in identifying policy opportunities to drive energy transition and related industry development, including fostering increased demand for technology and innovation.
2. Advancing models for early intervention
We are interested in identifying specific approaches and scalable models for early intervention, including in health (particularly aged care) and education (particularly early years).
3. Driving manufacturing and productivity
We are interested in identifying policy opportunities to drive enhanced manufacturing capability, productivity, economic diversity, and innovation to 2050.
Proposed projects may address more than one of these themes.
Proposed projects may address more than one of these themes. Projects bringing a First Nations focus on any of these themes will be of particular interest. The Institute highly values First Nations perspectives and is keenly interested in the impact of public policies on First Nations Australians. In that light, the Institute particularly welcomes applications from First Nations researchers. Projects bringing a focus on under-represented minorities in relation to any of these themes will also be of strong interest.
We welcome applications from academics from JMI’s partner universities:
- University of Sydney
- Western Sydney University
- University of Technology Sydney
- The University of New South Wales
- The University of Wollongong
Who can apply:
- Individual academics or project teams (in the case of a team, the lead researcher must be substantively employed by a JMI partner university).
Academics at all career stages, including early career researchers.
Across all policy domains, the Institute highly values First Nations perspectives and is keenly interested in the impact of public policies on First Nations Australians. The Institute therefore particularly welcomes applications from First Nations researchers.
The Institute is interested in supporting early career researchers seeking to make an impact on public policy, including in key leadership roles on project teams. The Institute will seek to award at least one grant to a team led by an early career researcher.
Successful recipients must agree to the following requirements:
- Publication of a JMI Policy Insights Paper: This is a JMI-branded report, of approximately 10-15 pages, which captures the key insights from your research for a policy-focused audience. It must be accessible to a non-academic audience. The report will be signed off, published on the JMI website and shared with relevant policymakers and other stakeholders. It will be published under a Creative Commons licence. JMI will provide support to grant recipients to develop, edit and proofread their paper, and ensure it reaches relevant policy audiences.
- Participation in research communications: As this is an applied policy grant with a focus on generating public value, it is vital that research insights are effectively communicated to policy audiences. All grant recipients must participate in research communications activities, with dedicated support from JMI. JMI will also host an event to announce grant recipients. For further information on possible research communications please see the Applicant Guidelines.
- Maximum project timeframe: The project must be delivered within two years from the date the grant is awarded (contract signed).
In 2025, the overall funding pool is up to $600,000.
Each grant application must be between $25,000-$100,000.
Grant funding can be used for the direct costs of research.
Typical grant awards have fallen in the range of $50,000 – $80,000 with only a small number exceeding this range in circumstances where it was clearly justified.
For a detailed overview of the eligible project costs that the grant funding can cover, please see the Applicant Guidelines.
Desirable criteria
To view a list of desirable (but non-essential) criteria, please see the Applicant Guidelines.
Applications open: 12 March 2025, 9:00 AM
Applications close: 2 May 2025: 11:59 PM
Longlisted applicants will be notified they have been invited for interview in late May/ early June. Interviews will take place week commencing 9 June and week commencing 16 June.
Applicants that are not longlisted for interview will be informed in June.
Applicants selected for the final shortlist will be notified between 23 and 30 June and will need to submit additional documents by 11 July.
Shortlisted applicants will receive the final decision on their application at the end of August 2025.
Applications are submitted through the JMI Apply portal.
The Policy Challenge Grant has a three-stage application process, intended to limit the amount of time required from applicants.
This three-stage process, cumulatively, constitutes your JMI Policy Challenge Grant application.
- Stage 1: Expressions of Interest (EOIs) – 12 March – 2 May 2025
- Stage 2: Interviews – 9 June – 20 June 2025
- Stage 3: Additional documents – 30 June – 11 July 2025
You can view and download the EOI questions.
For more details about each application stage, please see the Applicant Guidelines.
The independent JMI Research Advisory Group will review all applications that have progressed through to Stage 3 and will advise JMI’s Executive.
The JMI Board will approve the final allocation of grant awards.
Grants will be awarded in late August 2025.
Successful applicants will be notified via email, and contacted by the JMI team.
JMI will then work with the lead researcher to execute a JMI Policy Challenge Grant delivery agreement. Once signed, initial funding will be provided, and the project will commence. We will also expect project teams to draft a research communications plan, typically within a month of the delivery agreement being signed.
Applicant Guidelines 2025
Last year’s grant winners
Contact us
Frequently asked questions