Suzanne Hauser

Events Coordinator

Suzanne Hauser is the Events Coordinator at the James Martin Institute for Public Policy.

Suzanne comes to JMI from a career as an arts management professional and practicing artist. She has led two arts organisations as Creative Producer of Outback Theatre for Young People and Artistic Director of Ryde Youth Theatre. Suzanne’s expertise in events delivery comes from a lifetime spent in the performing arts as a theatre maker, storyteller, dramaturg and teacher.
Suzanne’s focus has been on developing original, authentic and compelling work with and for young people and she has published plays for young actors with the Australian Script Centre and Australian Plays Transform.

Suzanne holds a Master of Research in Literature and Creative Writing from Western Sydney University, a Master of Fine Arts in Theatre from the University of Iowa, a Bachelor of Science, Theatre from Texas Woman’s University and a Bachelor of Theatre from James Cook University.


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