Our impact
JMI seeks to undertake activities and produce outcomes that promote holistic public value. We have developed a rigorous approach to capturing the impact of our work.
Impact stories

Delivering for the public good
JMI exists to support governments to deliver policy solutions on complex challenges, informed by leading research and diverse expertise, that have significant benefits for the people of Australia.
Working closely with a group of expert advisors across our university partners, we have developed a rigorous approach to capturing the impact of our work through a dedicated Impact Framework.
As a bridge between experts and policymakers, JMI catalyses real impact for people and communities through the development of better public policy. We monitor and communicate impact in a continually evolving manner, recognising the inherent challenges of measuring the impact of collaborations in the policymaking process.
Impact outcomes
JMI is committed to undertaking activities and producing outcomes for the public good.
Government collaboration with researchers, as well as industry and community actors, becomes mainstream in the development of public policy, and an evidence-based approach is embedded in policy development processes.
JMI’s contribution:
- Through work with JMI, government has ongoing appetite for joint policy problem-solving, and integrates external expertise into a wider range of policy processes.
- Through work with JMI, university researchers and stakeholders in community and industry have pathways, skills, experience and confidence to engage government and impact policy for the public good.
Government is confident to engage with research, and researchers are more confident to engage in policy processes.
JMI’s contribution:
- Through work with JMI, government has clear pathways and skills for joint policy problem-solving and using an evidence-based approach.
- Through various kinds of engagement with JMI, academic researchers and stakeholders in community and industry have pathways, skills, experience and confidence to engage government and impact policy for the public good.
Actors across government, universities, industry and the community have their perspectives shaped by bold, evidence-based policy insights, which influences discourse.
JMI’s contribution:
- JMI produces and platforms bold, evidence-based policy ideas that the policy community accesses and discusses.
- JMI delivers trusted policy advice to government, and communicates relevant lessons to a wider policy audience.
- JMI’s integration of three kinds of expertise ensures its contributions are innovative and influential.
Mapping our impact area
For each project, we use a radar map to illustrate the project’s intended impact. The underlying data is drawn from a survey of project partners, with the four labels representing JMI’s impact outcomes.