2023 Grant Winners

The JMI Policy Challenge Grant is an annual award program to support applied public policy research addressing some of New South Wales’s biggest policy challenges.
The James Martin Institute for Public Policy (JMI) was delighted to award seven grants to outstanding research teams from the University of Sydney, Western Sydney University, the University of Technology Sydney, the University of New South Wales and Charles Sturt University at the State Library of NSW on 22 November 2023.
Over the next two years, JMI will provide dedicated support to grant recipients to translate their insights for a policy audience and amplify the impact of their research through targeted engagement with policymakers.

“These projects have the potential to make a lasting impact for the public good. The JMI Policy Challenge Grants offer a unique added value to researchers and policymakers alike.”
- Libby Hackett,
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Economic empowerment of First Nations people in the transition to Net Zero
A leading priority for NSW’s decarbonisation plans is engaging Aboriginal communities. This project will generate policy recommendations on how Aboriginal land holders can be better supported to participate in renewable energy efforts, as one potential pathway towards achieving climate resilience and generating economic opportunity. This work is underpinned by longstanding commitment and engagement with the Aboriginal Land Council network and with government in order to advance Aboriginal interests in climate resilience and energy transition.
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Project Team

Professor Heidi Norman
Associate Dean (Indigenous) & Director of The Centre for
the Advancement of
Indigenous Knowledges,
University of Technology Sydney

Therese Apolonio
Research Officer,
Centre for the Advancement of
Indigenous Knowledges,
University of Technology Sydney

Dr Chris Briggs
Research Director
(Energy Unit),
Institute for
Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology Sydney

Dr Ed Langham
Research Director,
Institute for
Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology Sydney

Dr Saori Miyake
Senior Research Consultant, Institute for
Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology Sydney

Dr Sarah Niklas
Senior Research Consultant, Institute for
Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology Sydney

Associate Professor Sven Teske
Associate Professor,
Institute for
Sustainable Futures,
University of Technology Sydney

EV-ready apartments
This project will identify the technical and policy obstacles that have hindered the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers in apartments in NSW. Policy interventions to improve EV charging infrastructure have typically overlooked those living in apartments. This project will identify strategies that should be implemented by national, state, and local organisations to get apartments EV ready.
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Project Team

Dr Thomas Longden
Senior Researcher,
Urban Transformations Research Centre,
Western Sydney University

Dr Ali Hellany
Senior Lecturer,
School of Engineering,
Western Sydney University

Dr Anna Leditschke
School of Social Sciences,
Western Sydney University

Professor Greg Morrison
Urban Transformations
Research Centre,
Western Sydney University

Professor Nicky Morrison
Urban Transformations
Research Centre,
Western Sydney University

First Nations voices in habitat restoration
This pilot study will inform policymakers on the need to properly incorporate Indigenous voices within future coastal habitat restoration projects. This NSW-based study aims to demonstrate the benefits of engaging Indigenous communities from the outset of habitat restoration efforts. It will provide a rounded perspective of the environment, inhabitants, and their interactions for the benefit of our people and planet.
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Project Team

Dr Mitchell Gibbs
Postdoctoral Fellow,
University of Sydney

Robert Cooley
Senior Ranger,
Gamay Rangers

Bryce Liddell
Projects Coordinator,
Gamay Rangers

Dr Laura Parker
Senior Fisheries Scientist,
Department of Primary Industries & Senior Lecturer,
University of New South Wales

Professor Pauline Ross
Teaching Principal for
Life Earth and
Environmental Sciences,
University of Sydney

Governing AI education and equity together
This project will help policymakers and stakeholders better anticipate and respond to the educational opportunities and inequalities of using AI-enabled technologies. It will engage a broad range of stakeholders to generate and test policy ideas about the expanding NSW EdTech ecosystem. This ecosystem spans student, teacher, system, and infrastructure-related technologies that shape differential access, usage and skills, and outcomes. Yet, policymaking on AI is often siloed and lacks collaborative stakeholder input. This project will use ‘policy prototyping’ to involve broad education stakeholders in building new approaches to policymaking on AI in education.
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Project Team

Professor Kalervo N. Gulson
Professor of Education Policy,
Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences,
University of Sydney

Dr José-Miguel Bello y Villarino
Research Fellow,
Law School and
ADM+S Centre,
University of Sydney

Associate Professor Kirsty Kitto
Associate Professor, Connected Intelligence Centre,
University of Technology Sydney

Dr Simon Knight
Director of Centre for Research on Education in Digital Society (CREDS) & Senior Lecturer TD School,
University of Technology Sydney

Industry Professor Leslie Loble AM
Industry Professor,
University of Technology Sydney

Dr Teresa Swist
Research Associate and
Policy Officer,
Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences,
University of Sydney

Dr Kevin Witzenberger
Senior Research Officer,
Education Futures Studio,
University of Sydney

Harnessing data for inclusive and sustainable mobility
Road transport is the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas emissions and the leading killer of children and young adults. Shifting some trips from cars and trucks to bicycles can help reduce emissions, prevent deaths, and make roads more efficient for the drivers who need them. This project will support that shift, combining cycle journey data from food delivery companies with insights from extensive empirical research to identify priorities for active transport infrastructure investment and pathways for policy innovation in this space.
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Project Team

Associate Professor
Amelia Thorpe
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law and Justice,
University of New South Wales

Derek Chong
Data Analyst,
Faculty of Law and Justice,
University of New South Wales

Associate Professor Marilyn Johnson
Associate Professor,
Cities Institute,
University of New South Wales

Leveraging digital technologies to boost productivity in the construction sector
Digitalisation can improve productivity and performance issues in the NSW construction industry. This project will develop a policy framework for digital transformation of the NSW construction sector, which is dominated by micro and SME businesses. It will use a multifaceted methodology that combines a horizon scan of emerging digital technologies and stakeholder and expert forums to explore grassroots demand. The DigiCon Policy Framework developed through this project will position NSW as a leader in digital construction practices and foster economic growth, sustainability, and improved infrastructure outcomes.
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Project Team

Professor Srinath Perera
Centre for Smart Modern Construction,
Western Sydney University

Associate Professor Chyi Lin
Discipline Director of Construction Management
and Property,
University of New South Wales

Dr Marini Samaratunga
Associate Lecturer in Construction Management,
Western Sydney University

Associate Professor Kathy Tannous
Associate Dean (Engagement), School of Business,
Western Sydney University

Associate Professor Xiao-Hua Jin
Deputy Director (Research & Membership),
Centre for Smart Modern Construction,
Western Sydney University

STEM education beyond our cities
The effective teaching of STEM subjects is vital to Australia’s prosperity and equity. STEM education in non-metropolitan areas faces unique challenges – from reliance on out-of-field teachers to limited resourcing. This project will review existing literature and datasets and consult with stakeholders including educators and policymakers to inform future STEM education policy in regional NSW.
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Project Team

Dr James Deehan
Lecturer in Teacher Education,
Charles Sturt University

Associate Professor Lena Danaia
Associate Professor in STEM Education,
Charles Sturt University

Dr Sarah Redshaw
Senior Research Fellow,
Charles Sturt University